Friday, December 18, 2009

Bon Mots for the Day.

"Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson: The present tense, and the past perfect."

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Watson Has Struck Again!

I couldn't figure out why my monitor went blank a few moments ago. Upon closer inspection.....I'll admit that the little bugger is pretty stealth; I never noticed him under my desk.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It Followed Me Home.....

Several years ago, my son, Nelson, found this horrible creature in a Halloween store. He named it "Jim." I thought Jim had disappeared forever. It was wishful thinking. Jim has been resurrected. Thank you, Watson. I have no idea from where Watson found this treasure, but a few days ago Jim appeared on my back deck. Watson was already in the proverbial dog house for chewing the following: a credit card, my daughter's ipod, a computer cord, toilet paper, lots and lots of toilet paper, various shoes, and the handle of a hairbrush. Jim was the piece de resistance. Here is the BADDOG with his new BFF, Jim. Loook at those ears, though!

I'll get pictures of the rest of the destruction tomorrow. I'm making a pile o' goodies to take pictures of.

Monday, December 14, 2009

All I Want For Christmas...

Watson's first, and probably last visit to Santa. Santa was inconveniently located at the very end of a very large, very muddy tree farm. Watson was a mess. He was a happy mess, but a muddy puppy nonetheless. Santa wasn't too thrilled to have a wet, dirty puppy placed on his lap, although, a puppy's got to be better than most wet, dirty children who are placed there. I wish I could say that Watson asked for world peace, but all he wanted were more beef tracheas, and some air-chilled chicken drumettes.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Watson Had a Playdate.

This past Saturday, I took my children to see the "Sound of Music Sing-a-Long." I didn't want to leave Watson alone with Fig and Dunc (Dunky's not happy about his diet, and I'm afraid he might EAT Watson), or in a crate for over 8 hours (The movie was showing in San Francisco, an hour's drive from Napa, and we went in early to have lunch, etc.). Trenton and Denise, Captain's owners, graciously offered to "puppy sit" Watson. They live right on the way to the city, so it was a perfect arrangement.

These following pictures were taken by Denise and Trenton....

"Oh wow, we had a doggie door at G'ma Penni's, I wonder how this works?"

"Hey, Cappy, wanna bust me out of here?"

"Well, I guess I'll just eat my way out."

"I really like it here! Thanks for a great day Cousin Cappy, Malibu, Trenton, Denise, and Myka. You guys are THE best! I look just like the "Chuck-it" you gave us."